Targeting is key to DM campaign’s success

The latest findings from the fast.MAP/DMA Marketing-GAP Tracking Study (MW 14 January) come as no surprise to those who remember the basics.

Good targeting improves performance, but the criteria for good targeting doesn’t usually correlate with your customer database. To avoid the sense of direct mail rejection the survey identified, marketers have to use not just the ability to send the right communication to the right customer, but to ensure that it actually features the correct benefits for that individual. It must also use every aspect of customer insight in the execution to overcome the barriers faced by poorly targeted mail.

However, I’m still slightly perplexed that 74% of people would welcome an SMS preference service because this seems to indicate that some brands don’t realise that it’s what the customer thinks that matters, not whether they’re using the loopholes on opt in wording to their advantage.

Charles Ping, account director, Communisis


Seeing is believing

Marketing Week

Our clients have been demanding virtual “dashboards” for some time, and we’ve found them to be invaluable instruments that support a much more dynamic and focused use of data and insight.

Digital technologies take place on retail landscape

Marketing Week

I don’t think it should come as any surprise that more brands are bringing digital techniques into the realm of the physical retail environment (MW 7 January). As your article points out, brand owners must take care to only use technology when it adds genuine value to the shopping experience, but this is true of any store activity.