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CondéNast has booked a two-week, 48-sheet poster campaign in London to support the April edition of Vanity Fair. The April `Hollywood’ issue carries a four-page gatefold cover advertising Harvey Nichols and starring ten Hollywood actresses. It is the first of a series of promotional activities for the title, whose circulation has been stagnating for the past two years. The magazine fell one per cent in the July to December ABCs to 78,121. “Vanity Fair hasn’t spent any money at all in promoting itself and has maintained sales,” publishing director Anne Holcroft says. “We’ve chosen an above-the-line campaign for the April issue because the cover is too good an opportunity to miss, but further promotional work throughout the year will be below the line.” The poster campaign has been bought by poster specialist Portland, with creative work taken from the gatefold cover shot by Annie Leibovitz.