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Mellors Reay “Angel”

Art director : Pat Thomas

Copy writer: Dave Copeland

Mustang, the name, does not fit with the discerning, aspirational image of bourbon but it does fit with our core target audience of 18 to 24-year-old male session drinkers. And that’s where the opportunity lies: to make Bourbon a fashionable but unpretentious short and a perfect partner for session drinking.

These guys are driven by two things: alcoholic strength, and image. They use shorts either to begin or finish an evening. They act as turbo-chargers.

This is why Mustang – with the image associations of hot-rod cars and wild horses – is an entirely appropriate name. The creative aim is to clearly integrate the product’s alcoholic strength with powerful imagery relevant to both the occasion and brand name. We worked to the creative proposition “Hot-rod your evening with Mustang”, supported by a 40 per cent ABV content.

The creative idea is simple and immediate. A dragster revs its engine and screeches its tyres as we see a bloke knocking back a double shot of Mustang. There is an almighty crash. In this execution, we cut to God and his angels at the Pearly Gates. Backed by angelic harp music, they look down and comment on the carnage that follows. The moral of the story is that you should sip – not gulp – Mustang because it is 40 per cent proof.