Levi’s nasty terrestrial experience

Levis-Strauss UK announced last month that it was ditching terrestrial TV for its “Washroom” commercial to test alternative media. Just the sort of thing you’d expect from a thrusting company like Levi’s.

But what is this? The Diary learns that the ad was in fact rejected by the Broadcast Advertising Clearance Centre last October – which may have had something to do with the jeans company’s decision, via its press conference, to “become more innovative …testing different ways of doing things”.

BACC says it had asked Levi’s to make changes to the ad, but never heard back from the manufacturer. Bartle Bogle Hegarty, the agency behind the 501 commercial, says Levi’s wanted a “much tighter focus!” for the new ad which prompted its decision to screen it exclusively on MTV and at cinemas.