
Research 96 has turned the tables and conducted a study on the researchers themselves. Here are some of its findings:

What is the most embarrassing/ ridiculous question or survey you as a researcher have had to ask or perform?

“Are you happy with the size of your penis?” …”Male erectile dysfunction.”

“Survey on men’s underpants. We had to take them back after a month.”

Asking a group of people over 70 if they keep their teeth in when making love: “Chance would be a fine thing,” said one.

Asking priests if they sang dirty words to hymns as boys.

What is the most unlikely/rudest response to a question?

“Why don’t you get a proper job?”

While interviewing in Ipswich, an older gentleman bustled up to one researcher and hissed: “You’re a curse to society.”

Name the lamest excuse/best reason from someone who doesn’t want to contribute to a survey.

“…I can’t help you dear, I’ve got somebody else’s teeth in.”

…”I’d love to help but I can’t – my dog is sexually aroused.”