Vam, bam and thank you mam

Where are the marketing entrepreneurs? A golden opportunity has arisen. After reading your “Testing times” (MW October 11) article about VAM, I learn that by storing female urine in 37oC heat, a new form of unidentified bacteria, accompanied b

Where are the marketing entrepreneurs? A golden opportunity has arisen.

After reading your “Testing times” (MW October 11) article about VAM, I learn that by storing female urine in 37oC heat, a new form of unidentified bacteria, accompanied by an alkaline PH shift, leads to a synthesis in female urine of 43 times the normal level of testosterone.

Before all the marketing men rush with their containers to the next women’s-only road race or the national cross country championships to collect the free raw material for such an economical method of producing testosterone, may I add a word of caution?

From the seven samples taken in the games at Lisbon, four male, three female, only the A and B sample from one female succumbed to this new method.

Julie Hall


London SE3