The sticky issue of male bonding

The recent dinner for the fellows of the Chartered Institute of Marketing was attended by some 120 of the good fellows of this esteemed institute.

One of the speakers at the dinner was Cheryl Gillan, the Parliamentary Under Secretary for Education, who is also the Minister for Women.

However, Gillan was evidently unused to the testosterone-pumping atmosphere of the CIM’s dinner, and approached one of the few female delegates after saying “I’m the Minister for Women – but where are they all?” The Diary understands that of the 120 diners, there were only three females.

Marketing consultant Teresa Moon of the Argyll Consultancy explains: “To become a member of the CIM, you have to pass a diploma, and this is roughly 50/50 men and women.”

However, she points out, gaining a fellowship for the organisation is more of a male pursuit as the attendance records of the dinner amply demonstrate.