Mercury rap is completely uncalled for…

Phil Georgiadis is talking out of his bottom with his article challenging the media effectiveness of Mercury’s “Oliver & Claire” campaign, particularly when he writes “instinct should be replaced by analysis”.

If he knew anything about me he would realise it’s not in my nature to share the blame for things that go wrong. But he knows as much about me as he does about the use of media, judging by his ridiculous article.

The media strategy was both creative and highly effective. Indeed it was shortlisted in the “Best Use of a Single Medium” category in the 1996 Media Week Awards.

Our independent tracking study also conforms the degree to which the media idea and the use of press gave the advertising very strong levels of awareness and recognition – indeed, some of the highest recognition scores Hall & Partners have ever seen for a press campaign.

I know this is a competitive business but I’ve never understood the need to knock others, and people should think very carefully before they go into print with accusations that are totally inaccurate.

But I’m only a client, so what do I know?

Simon Esberger

Marketing director

Mercury Communications

London WC1