Apple Computer plans global restaurant chain

Apple Computer is licensing its brand name to a chain of worldwide themed restaurants, called Apple Cafés.

The company behind the venture, Mega Bytes International BVI, will open the first site in Los Angeles in late 1997. Other sites are proposed for London, Paris, New York and Tokyo.

The restaurants will feature food from around the world, to play on the global nature of IT. Diners will also be able to sample the latest CD-Roms, link to the Internet and video-conference between different tables.

There are plans to create special VIP member-only rooms and each café will have private function rooms and global video-conferencing capabilities.

Jon Holtzman, Apple senior director of worldwide brand marketing, says: “Our collaboration with Mega Bytes International not only enables us to build on the strengths of the Apple brand, but also allows us to showcase Apple products and technologies in an entertaining way.”

The move is part of Apple’s corporate strategy of consolidating its business in areas where it is strong, like graphics and publishing, as well as capitalising on its brand name.