Hospitalisation will cure Murray

I usually avoid Iain Murray’s column because I don’t enjoy the rantings of a bitter, twisted old man who can’t be positive about any subject.

Recently, I had the misfortune to catch a few paragraphs and got sucked in, “Marketing to morons – made easy” (MW November 20). Having read it, I can only conclude that your correspondent is in need of psychiatric help.

No doubt such a suggestion would make him launch into a bitter attack on the psychiatry profession but a few weeks in a psychiatric hospital may enable him to meet other people who are as paranoid as he is.

His persistence in criticising those who display grief in death sounds like the envy of a loner with a guilt complex craving attention. He displays obsessive behaviour in, yet again, condemning the award of a research grant. Has he, by any chance, been turned down for his own research submission to explore how to systematically offend every section of society from royalists to the villagers of Elton?

If Mr Murray found himself the victim of an injustice, I wonder how many people would rally to his cause.

Paul Vittles

Managing director

Robertson Bell Associates
