McBride quits Bass to rejoin Colgate…

EMAP Elan is to launch its new women’s glossy magazine RED with an above and below-the-line campaign through Rainey Kelly Campbell Roalfe. Its airing will coincide with the launch of the new title on January 15. The ad lobbies ‘RED women’ who have ‘grown up without getting old’ with the message ‘it’s probably time you saw RED’. The television push follows a six-sheet poster campaign on newsagents stands.


The Power of London

Marketing Week

The already over-supplied UK ad agency sector is about to get even more crowded. Amid more expected takeovers and mergers next year there will be at least four new “serious” players in the market – established overseas agencies, all with more than 15 years experience, operating in London for the first time. Some observers suggest […]

The Power of London

Marketing Week

The already over-supplied UK ad agency sector is about to get even more crowded. Amid more expected takeovers and mergers next year there will be at least four new “serious” players in the market – established overseas agencies, all with more than 15 years experience, operating in London for the first time. Some observers suggest […]