The high price of cinema ads

Over recent months a number of contributors to your magazine have commented on the way in which cinema has finally established itself as a credible advertising medium. However, there is little mention of the high price paid by cinema-goers for this success.

The tiresome ritual of being forced to sit through up to ten minutes of bloated, overproduced cinema ads really can take the edge off an otherwise enjoyable evening

If you are an infrequent cinema-goer then these extended commercial breaks are a mild irritant. If however you are, like me, a keen film-buff, the whole procedure can become intolerable, particularly when tacked on to the beginning of a film that may itself be upwards of three hours long.

These commercials seem to have been produced either by junior creative staff with pretentions that far outstrip their talent or more seasoned hands looking for a broader canvas on which to sketch their “masterpiece” The results rarely amount to more than a cack-handed attempt to grasp the zeitgeist.

If I have to again endure the Labatt’s Ice burning canoe or Smirnoff’s freeze frame epic I shall go mad.

Cease and desist, you are alienating your audience.

Claude Evershott

Minotaur Services

Hemel Hempstead
