Digital TV watcher

The advent of digital TV, which it is claimed will offer more choice, better quality pictures, and interactive television programmes, is a terrifying prospect for your average viewer.

And there’s good reason to be nervous, at least judging by Torin Douglas’ article, not to mention the media analysis (MW September 24).

If people within the industry find the technology confusing, what chance do consumers stand? And what happens if you make the wrong purchase and end up being tied to one operator? How much money do the likes of BSkyB and ONdigital think the public has to waste on equipment that could become obsolete in a very short space of time?

ONdigital’s plan to give access to its channels through a gadget which viewers can plug into the back of the TV seems sound. Why can’t Sky produce something similar? This is probably a stupid question, after all, it’s in Sky’s interests to tie us in with proprietary equipment.

Confusing though the situation may be, one thing is clear – don’t rush into spending hard-earned cash on the new “integrated” TVs before you have to.

Jeff Woad

