Somerfield to sell cut-price electrical goods

Somerfield is the latest supermarket to venture into the electrical goods market, with the launch of cut-price deals on televisions and stereos.

The 330-strong chain joins Tesco, Sainsbury’s and Asda in the move towards non-food retailing.

Last month Tesco and Asda announced they would enter the home PC market with discount deals in the run-up to Christmas. Sainsbury’s has offered electrical goods through its Savacentre chain for some years.

But the Somerfield offer will worry electrical retailers, as it could signal a move by smaller grocers to take advantage of the higher margins offered in their electrical lines.

Somerfield spokesman Peter Williams said: “This follows the success of earlier trials, such as garden furniture in our largest stores, but we are taking this more seriously.

“We are taking advantage of opportunities in non-food sectors .”

The offer features four products: an Alba 14″ colour television for 89.99, a Bush television, also for 89.99, a Bush micro-stereo system at 59.99, and a Bush radio/cassette and CD for 39.99. All four items have been bought directly from manufacturers.

Cover story, page 6