Fat-bottomed girls myth blown

I just had to write in and say how much I laughed at Somnolence Cured By Sustenance written by Iain Murray (MW December 3).

However, as I neared the end of the article, I was crying out with protest that the research on the size of bottoms has only been carried out on women! Have Iain Murray or Professor Gray cruised into a few Nineties British offices? Obviously not. In recent years, I have seen just how the myth that women put on more weight than men has been slowly destroyed by the amount of men joining the office sedentary workforce. I have noticed with both interest and horror how men are now struggling with their weight after spending all day slaving over a hot desk. The Nineties’ offices are producing some fine porky men indeed whose bottom circumferences would easily beat those of their female colleagues.

Perhaps Iain Murray should point his pal Professor Gray in a totally new direction.

Marina Mildenstein
