Patten junior tests home delivery skills

Surely no one can deny M&C Saatchi Sponsorship chief executive Matthew Patten is a safe pair of hands.

He and his wife Lucy were expecting their third child and decided it should be delivered in their Suffolk home.

Last Monday, at 4.30am, Mrs Patten felt her first contractions and informed her husband that the midwife should be phoned.

The midwife told Patten she would be over in a couple of hours. However, after an hour of hanging around, the baby decided it was time to make an entrance, leaving the M&C chief with no option but to deliver the baby himself.

“After that, I don’t think I’ll ever worry about a difficult client meeting again,” says a relieved Patten.

The result is a bouncing baby boy called Louis, who is likely to grow up to be a man who does not like to be kept waiting.