Month: September 1999

Comet in dock for ignoring ASA complaint

Marketing Week

The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) has accused retail giant Comet of deliberately ignoring its complaints about a national press ad for SkyDigital boxes and dishes. The authority claims Comet failed to reply to a recorded delivery letter notifying it of a complaint by rival Dixons (DSG Retail), as well as two follow-up letters. It further […]

More faces court threat for ‘unsafe’ bra poster

Marketing Week

Media agency BJK&E is threatening to sue the More Group unless it pays compensation after failing to deliver a giant billboard of Kelly Brook modelling a Triumph bra.Triumph is one of BJK&E’s clients. The massive poster, measuring 35 metres by 15 metres, was due to have gone up on scaffolding in Holborn, London, for four […]

Choose well to benefit a cause

Marketing Week

I read with interest your article on cause-related marketing, “Give and take” (MW August 26). I was delighted to see Marketing Week giving cause-related marketing its rightful recognition as a bona fide marketing activity borne out of business objectives, rather than a philanthropic add-on. After ten years of cause-related marketing experience working with global brands, […]

Rock group mix-up cream of the crop

Marketing Week

Readers under the age of 40 would have been horrified, nay astounded, to discover in last week’s edition of Marketing Week that Darren Hughes, founder of Liverpool superclub Cream, was also a founder of “Sixties rock group” Cream. Readers over the age of 40 would have been mystified as to why they hadn’t heard that […]

LH-S beats two rivals to hold £3.4m Frutibix

Marketing Week

Lowe Howard-Spink has retained Weetabix’s £3.4m Frutibix account after a pitch against two agencies on the breakfast cereal manufacturer’s roster. LH-S, which has handled Frutibix since its launch two years ago, pitched against Abbott Mead Vickers BBDO, which handles Alpen, and Banks Hoggins O’Shea/ FCB, which holds the Weetaflakes and Weetabix Advantage accounts. It went […]

EastEnders star fits the bill for RSPCA judges panel

Marketing Week

The RSPCA knows how to pick its celebrity helpers. It invited Pam St Clement, or Pat Butcher from East-Enders, to be on the panel of judges for its Chappie Scruffts Dog of the Year award, which seeks out the best mongrel dog in the country. In her capacity as judge Pam was looking for signs […]

Vodka stunt throws brand values in your face and down the khazi

Marketing Week

Absolut Vodka’s latest promotional stunt shows the company knows its customer positioning well, namely the on-the-floor-of-the-khazi position. Bearing, or baring, this positioning in mind, Absolut is practically throwing its brand message down the pan by showing a perspex toilet seat created by Brighton design agency Bobo. Absolut commissioned the agency to design a seat to […]

One 2 One in marketing shake-up

Marketing Week

Mobile phone operator One 2 One has restructured its marketing department and split the operation into two units, consumer and business. The business unit will attempt to boost the number of corporate clients, which account for 350,000 of the company’s 2.7 million customers. One 2 One has appointed a director of the unit, David Henson, […]

CAT launches its first global campaign

Marketing Week

CAT, the fashion label owned by Caterpillar, has launched its first global advertising campaign. The &£10m autumn/winter push runs across the UK, mainland Europe, Japan, Australia and also the US, which has previously run separate advertising. The campaign marks CAT’s cinema advertising debut. The ads will run in arthouse cinemas throughout Europe, accompanying the movie […]

Poster companies trade space for Net shares

Marketing Week

UK outdoor contractors are considering swapping some of their poster space for a stake in new media companies. Clear Channel International (CCI) is actively pursuing such a strategy. Poster companies’ interest in striking Internet deals comes three weeks after Channel 5 chief executive David Elstein revealed the station planned to give away airtime in return […]

Door policy

Marketing Week

The field marketing industry has branched out by offering door-to-door services to track down consumers. But it needs to formulate new codes of conduct.

Littlewoods scraps online lottery game

Marketing Week

Littlewoods has axed its online lottery game, Prizeball 4, only four months after its launch, dealing a blow to the pools operator’s plans to run the National Lottery. The company insists the trial of the technology involved in the game has been successful, and denies that the decision will damage its chances in bidding for […]