An end to pie in the sky Dome ideas

After the Millennium Dome’s woeful first two months, pie maker Pukka Pies has cooked up a tasty solution for the venue’s long-suffering bosses.

The Leicestershire cads – well-known for their witty chip shop posters – want to balance a massive pie on the landmark’s roof and rebrand it the Millenni-Yum Dome.

For the Dome’s struggling marketers, this may not be such a half-baked idea and could help them earn a crust. Perhaps we might even see a Meat Zone, which the Government could use to help promote British beef.

The Dome’s incoming chief executive Pierre-Yves Gerbeau may have other ideas, however, given last year’s beef war with his native France. Perhaps Pukka can persuade him there is too much at steak to resist pie power.