Saucy story for switching on listeners

Ever since Kelvin MacKenzie left The Sun he has endeavoured to recreate the red-top’s saucy spirit wherever he is, and TalkSport is no exception.

The sport and news radio station is in the middle of an ad agency review but was in need of a new press ad campaign to tie-in with Euro 2000.

So what does the TalkSport in-house team come up with? A photo-fit love story (“one man’s love affair with a radio station”) featuring a deluge of dodgy double entendres and a near-naked page three-esque stunner.

But the national press were none too impressed with the risqué copy, including a particularly grubby joke about Seaman, and demanded the ads be toned down.

Marginally cleaner instalments of Roger and his radio station fetish will appear throughout Euro 2000. Let’s hope Kelvin’s attempt to turn his listeners on doesn’t have them crying “foul” instead!