Month: July 2000

Motorola to review its $150m global business

Marketing Week

Mobile phone manufacturer Motorola is reviewing its $150m (£100m) worldwide advertising arrangements. Motorola’s creative $100m (£63m) advertising account has been held by McCann-Erickson for the past three years. The account is run out of McCann-Erickson Worldwide, New York. But the review is believed to encompass more than the creative advertising account, and it is expected […]

Young’s marketing director quits

Marketing Week

Young’s Bluecrest marketing director Andrew Lamb has left the seafood group after three years in the post. Young’s – owner of major frozen food ranges Chip Shop and Seafood Ready Meals – refused to give a reason for his departure. It is unclear whether Lamb has a job to go to. His responsibilities are being […]

Public supports ITC plans to relax TV ads

Marketing Week

The public is broadly in favour of the Independent Television Commission’s (ITC’s) controversial plan to relax TV advertising rules, according to the first major market research into the subject. CIA’s latest Sensor report reveals overwhelming support for the ITC’s proposal to relax the rules governing the advertising of prescription drugs and personal advice services. Those […]

Mum was first women’s site

Marketing Week

Mmm… it was an interesting ad campaign that ran in Marketing Week last week (MW July 6). Opening line: “ was the first women’s website to be launched in the UK” – I think not. Back in 1998, we identified the Internet as a key element of an integrated campaign to refresh the Mum […]

Millennium Dome launches £3 million ad campaign

Marketing Week

Dome operator the New Millennium Experience Company (NMEC) is to launch a £3m through-the-line ad campaign later this week in an attempt to target people unconvinced by its critics. The campaign will use the strapline: ‘You’ve got a mind of your own: take it to the Dome.’ Of the £3m budget, £2m will be spent […]

Prebble with a cause

Marketing Week

ONdigital’s Stuart Prebble is a man on a mission: to beat BSkyB to the pay-TV crown. As he goes on the offensive with a raft of expansion plans, David Benady assesses whether his bold claims are well-founded

Measured Approach

Marketing Week

As the sales promotions industry bids to improve standards of accountability, issues relating to confidentiality, trust and cost are making it hard for agencies to set benchmarks.

Orange hires Premiership boss to head £70m F1 deal

Marketing Week

Mobile phone giant Orange has hired Premier League merchandising chief Miles Pearce as head of strategic sports sponsorship. Pearce, who is Canadian, is understood to have been recruited to work primarily on the Arrows Formula One sponsorship, which the company secured earlier this year in a £70m three-year deal. He will report to marketing chief […]

Taking the fizz out of obesity

Marketing Week

Your recent article “Sweet Nothing” (MW July 6) implied a link between soft drinks and child obesity and criticised Robinson’s High Juice (incorrectly referred to as High Fruit) for using a “mother nature” figure in a forest to push the virtues of a sugary additive to water” to children. Not only is this argument fundamentally […]

ITC mad at Telewest’s ad indiscretion

Marketing Week

“Mummy, what’s a VD clinic? Can I have one?” Children say the funniest things, as any light entertainment producer will tell you, but parents in the West Midlands were definitely not amused when an embarrassing blunder by cable giant Telewe

Hutchison in race for global presence

Marketing Week

Hutchison is to join forces with NTT DoCoMo and KPN to build 3G networks across Europe. But it must establish a strong brand now if it wants to steal rivals’ customers – and stay abreast of new technology.