Brand recognition is ‘critical’ when shopping on the Net

Brand recognition has been rated as a critical factor when purchasing online, according to a study on the Internet conducted by The Telegraph Group.

Almost 70 per cent of those who have purchased online ranked credit card security as their greatest concern while a similar percentage said it was important to buy from a well-known name.

Questionnaires were completed by 4,879 people selected at random from a database of those that purchase the Daily Telegraph or the Sunday Telegraph three or more times a week.

Telegraph Group display ad director Chris White-Smith says: “The research shows that consumers are using the Internet more. Although they remain cautious in disclosing financial details over the Internet they prefer traditional media and personal recommendations for increasing Internet confidence and savvy.”

Newspapers ranked highest with 70 per cent of consumers referring to the printed word for up to date information on the Internet.

But television, magazines and cinema appeared to be the biggest losers to the Internet in consumers’ consumption of media compared with a year ago.