Month: March 2001

JWT regains £5m Coty Euro contract

Marketing Week

Cosmetics company Coty has re-appointed J Walter Thompson London to handle the European advertising business for its global brand, Margaret Astor. The business is understood to be worth about £5m. JWT, which lost the Astor business to BBDO Dusseldorf in 1999, already handles the $40m (£27m) global account for Coty’s mass-market cosmetics brand, Rimmel. Margaret […]

Interbrew seeks chief

Marketing Week

Interbrew UK is looking for a marketing director to manage its flagship brand, Stella Artois, after Stewart Gilliland was promoted to managing director. Gilliland’s appointment follows the resignation of Miles Templeman, who is leaving the company at the end of May after 16 years. Templeman is credited with turning Stella into the UK’s leading premium […]

Time face-lift targets young Europeans

Marketing Week

Time magazine, published by AOL Time Warner, is to launch a £6m pan-European marketing campaign aimed at repositioning itself in Europe as a read for younger people. The campaign will include print, poster, TV and ambient media ads and has been created by Wink Media, part of the Wallpaper Group. The campaign starts on March […]

E-marketing finally gains credence with marketers

Marketing Week

Almost two-thirds (63 per cent) of companies now have an e-marketing strategy in place, according to a survey by NewWorld Commerce backed by Marketing Week. Websites are seen as the most important element of an e-marketing campaign, while sponsorship of third-party sites is the least popular online option. Early adopters of technology, such as the […]

Ministry of Sound seeks sponsors for 16-hour summer dance festival

Marketing Week

Nightclub company Ministry of Sound is looking for brands to sponsor a summer dance festival called Knebworth 01. The sponsorship opportunities include headline sponsor in the title of the event and sponsorship of 13 different arenas around the venue. The dance festival, which has a capacity of 50,000, is to be staged at Knebworth House […]

Saab develops global brand strategy to compete with premium marques

Marketing Week

Saab has created a new global marketing and retail strategy in an attempt to raise and clearly define the car company’s brand. The project is called Saab Unlimited and is intended to give Saab’s sales network an edge over other car companies in the premium sector. It will also create a commercial network capable of […]

Appalling ads or a palling tactic?

Marketing Week

A picture, as the saying goes, is worth a thousand words – except where the picture is an ad image and the words are not copywriting but editorial. Then the equation is entirely reversed. Here, in a nutshell, is the rationale of the shocking ad. For why worry about fusty, often ineffectual regulatory authorities of […]

Dead passionate about football

Marketing Week

Being mad about football is one thing, but taking the beautiful game to the grave with you is an entirely different matter. Just when you thought all commercial opportunities had been squeezed out of football, Birmingham City FC managing director Karren Brady and retailer Midlands Co-op have struck a deal to provide dual holiday and […]