Brought to book over Pringle

I was pleased to see that you devoted your editorial to the views of the incoming director-general of the IPA, Hamish Pringle (MW last week). You may choose to describe his vision as “slightly paranoid” in outlining the challenges facing the communications industry, by defining them as “enemies”. Perhaps he was trying to instil a sense of urgency, as anyone could see the writing on the wall 18 months ago. But it appears that many industry leaders have made little preparation for the coming economic downturn.

What does amuse me however is your accusation that Pringle neglects media fragmentation and communications clutter. He has a whole chapter in his book, Brand Spirit: How Cause Related Marketing Builds Brands, devoted to it. He may even have coined the phrase communications clutter! I know, because we wrote the book together.

Marjorie Thompson

Octagon Worldwide