It’s all down to supply and demand

The fact that the importance of internal marketing is being written about more frequently (MW September 6) does not disguise the fact that most marketing departments divorce themselves from how their brand promises are fulfilled.

It is more than a little ironic that CRM has become the latest marketing trend, absorbing millions in investment while the methods for making commitments to consumers happen are left untouched. The performance of the supply chain is fundamental to the delivery of brand promise.

What is more, selling to the internal market and keeping it informed is now more important than ever. Your article highlights the fluid nature of company structures and this, combined with increasing staff turnover and consumers switching focus to value, makes internal marketing a subject that cannot be overlooked.

The problem is that internal communication and motivation is not a subject most marketers or agencies address. Yet CRM is about people – if those responsible for the delivery of goods and services have not been “sold” the brand then they will not sell it on to the consumer. This applies to third parties that sell on behalf of manufacturers as well as companies’ own staff.

Stephen Humphreys

Managing director


Teddington, Middlesex