Unaccustomed as the Diary is…

The Diary is an extremely eloquent and confident public speaker and never gets nervous when addressing hundreds of important people nor does the Diary make elementary mistakes such as talking too fast or not taking short pauses so people can mull over what is being said which if not observed can lead to the speaker talking absolute nonsense that usually has nothing to do with the subject that the speaker is trying to get across and then there is taking too long and not letting other people get a word in edgeways and filling time with really bad jokes that lead to strained faces and drooping heads and people looking at their watches…

…And relax. Take a deep breath, it’s okay, you’re still in your chair. When training company Speakerpower.co.uk is quoted as saying that the human brain is the most sophisticated and complex computer in the world but usually ceases to function properly as soon as it even thinks about speaking in public, the Diary grudgingly feels that it might just have a point.