Ferrero plans £3.25m Tic Tac campaign

Ferrero is planning a £3.25m marketing push in an effort to bring consumers back to its Tic Tac brand. The campaign, which includes TV, cinema and outdoor advertising, is WCRS’s first campaign since winning the business from Banks Hoggins O’Shea/FCB.

The first TV execution, which breaks on February 18, shows a woman on a London Underground train enjoying the mini-mint. A man and his friend watch as a cool breeze whips through the train. As the woman leaves, she shakes her Tic Tac box and the ad ends with the strapline ‘Go on shake your Tic Tacs’.

An ad for the spearmint variant is also planned, featuring women in a bar shaking their Tic Tacs at a handsome man. Tic Tac senior brand manager Lorraine Crowe says research shows that women favour spearmint.