Beeb is right to back outdoor

The news that the BBC is cherry-picking advertising sites (MW February 21) is a refreshing change to the &£6bn waste industry currently in existence in the UK each year – using Viscount Leverhulme’s adage: “Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted, and the trouble is I don’t know which half.”

Focusing on clearly defined market channels, advertisers can pinpoint audiences and provide effective advertising solutions. Research from UMS about a COI Communications anti-drink-drive campaign that ran over Christmas, for example, found recall among the target 16to 24-year-olds was 26 per cent greater for washroom posters than for TV.

With this effectiveness provided at a fraction of the price of traditional ubiquitous campaigns, it’s small wonder advertisers like the BBC aren’t afraid to commit half their budgets – they no longer need the other half.

Richard Weir


Hi-Tech Solutions