Month: July 2002

Advertisers lambast EU proposals to restrict labelling health claims

Marketing Week

The Advertising Association has attacked plans in a European Commission working document on food health claims, warning they could be anti-competitive, create a bureaucratic muddle and confuse consumers. The document covers nutritional, functional and health claims used in the labelling, presentation and advertising of foods. It aims to protect consumers and ease the movement of […]

E-commerce comes to Wales

Marketing Week

The Welsh, eh? Who could fail to love them? They’re just like the English, really, except their language skills are better. And they are definitely better at stadium building than certain of their neighbours. Hence the fact that the latest collection of bumph from Opportunity Wales arrived in a lovely plastic briefcase, no doubt wrought […]

Virtual carrots

Marketing Week

Companies that wish to motivate their sales staff with rewards are discovering the utility of online incentive schemes – they offer speed and convenience for companies and staff alike. And they are a valuable information source for the former,

We laugh at you English kniggits

Marketing Week

Britain – modern, thrusting, ready to take its place at the forefront of 21st-century progress – or not. Readers with a lot of time on their hands may remember Monsieur British, the handlebar-moustached “wizard prang” figure, who was meant to bring the French swarming across the Channel to stock up on cheap fish fingers and […]

Two directors join NTL Home exodus

Marketing Week

NTL brand director Bart Michels and his boss, commercial director Richard Harris, are both understood to have left the company’s consumer division, NTL Home, by mutual consent – the latest in a long line of people leaving NTL. Group marketing director Mike Hounsell left in January, as part of a restructure that resulted in more […]

One thing in common: a lack of sense

Marketing Week

One common denominator seems to emerge from the disastrous relaunches featured in your article ‘The trouble with facelifts” (MW June 6): a complete failure of basic common sense. Also, can I be the only one to see a link with the amount of money at stake in any given brand launch or relaunch? Apprehension about […]

Friends of the Earth chief marketer goes to Target Direct

Marketing Week

Simon Bernstein, the top marketer at Friends of the Earth, is leaving to join direct marketing agency Target Direct. Bernstein held the position for five years and was the environmental pressure group’s first communications and fundraising director. He joins Target as senior consultant, where, from September, he will be in charge of developing a strategic […]

Moat House Hotels signs up sales and marketing director

Marketing Week

Moat House Hotels has appointed Stuart Leven as its sales and marketing director and added a new agency to its roster. Leven replaces long-serving sales and marketing director Mike Jones, who left in April. Leven has been involved in an agency review for the Queen’s Moat House-owned chain and has added Conrad Advertising to its […]

British Gas bills to carry carer advice

Marketing Week

In an effort to be seen as a socially responsible energy company, British Gas has teamed up with charity Carers UK to launch the Energy for Caring initiative. The scheme will use British Gas energy bills as a medium to provide information on the support and benefits available from the Government to people who care […]

D’Arcy wins £2m DoT drink-driving business

Marketing Week

The Department of Transport (DoT) has awarded its high-profile £2m drink-driving account to D’Arcy. The agency lost the business to Abbott Mead Vickers.BBDO (AMV) in 1998. D’Arcy pitched against WCRS, BMP DDB and the incumbent (MW May 30). The decision to appoint D’Arcy does not affect AMV’s work on the DoT’s other advertising, including the […]