Delivering us DM agency abuse

Wunderman’s technology officer misses the point of the Royal Mail’s DM Online initiative with his belief that larger agencies will be insulated from this development (MW October 24). This system releases clients (however big) from the production stranglehold of agencies (however well known).

For too long, agencies have bound up clients with exorbitant fees and long lead times for repetitive production work. Holding artwork masters, changing product shots, banging out black plate changes – all good money, thank you very much.

Technology has now freed clients from this abuse. All the users of our Toolbox, including DaimlerChrylser, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Gillette are saving costs and time since the introduction of the online marketing communications system – while creative quality is maintained or improved.

Of course, clients get more value from agencies than just production, as Black Cat confirmed, however this can no longer be used as an excuse for uncompetitive practices.

Matt McNeany


Marketing Drive London