Thanks for vote of confidence

Your special report DM Reputations Survey (MW November 14) filled me with a sense of deep joy and loss.

In your “Top 20 agencies across all criteria” table Dialogue ZGC proudly stood at number 20, together with a host of esteemed agencies like Ogilvy One, EHS Brann and WWAV to name but a few.

While some may say 20th place is a highly respectable showing, I would call it truly outstanding, bearing in mind Dialogue ZGC (of which I was creative director and founder along with my partner Alastair Waldron MD) was originally merged into the Mosaic group in 1999 – more than three years ago.

To find that clients are still enamoured by Dialogue’s dynamic offering, is a testament to a great agency which, although swallowed by a big corporate fish, still shines brightly in brand managers’ and marketing directors’ memories.

So to all of you who voted Dialogue ZGC in your top 20, a big thank you.

Kevin Scott

Creative director and partner

