All dressed up and nowhere to go

Fed up with looking like Worzel Gummidge at work? Feeling faintly nauseous at the sight of all those old T-shirts with holey armpits, and fed up with the sound of flip-flops? Well here’s an idea that will make you wish you’d never complained…

Staff at Wimbledon-based agency Haygarth decided to smarten themselves up and raise money for the Rainbow Trust, which looks after seriously ill children and their families. They organised a “Dress to Impress” day, and each paid to don their finest and strut their stuff.

All very well, you might think. Admirable, even. But there’s always one, isn’t there? One person has to take it too far. While his colleagues were donning their smartest, one Aydhen Symister, not content with having an anagram for a name, decided to take to the streets in this figure-hugging minidress. Someone should have told him: silver’s not your colour, dearie…