Month: April 2003

IPC Media promotes Philippa Brown

Marketing Week

IPC Media has promoted group marketing director Philippa Brown to managing director of IPC tx, the TV magazines division. She replaces Caroline Ward, who has been made managing director of IPC Connect, the women’s weeklies group.

Different angles to hit a target

Marketing Week

I read Gary Eastwood’s report about the power of targeted communication (MW February 27) with interest. While it is hardly a revelation to most regular users of direct marketing that targeting is a good thing – particularly when combined with relevant creative work – it is amazing how often it seems to be ignored. However, […]

And finally…

Marketing Week

It’s always nice to see Marketing Week mentioned in other publications, but this might be the first time it’s been sighted in a work of fiction. Martin Lukes, the Financial Times’ beleaguered e-mail columnist, has won a Marketing Association award, a feat apparently reported in Marketing Week. Very convincing, apart from one little detail – […]

Sainsbury’s loses in Andrex battle

Marketing Week

Kimberly-Clark has won a two-week showdown with Sainsbury’s over the toiletry company’s decision to hike the price of its Andrex tissue brand. Sainsbury’s refused to accept the price hike, thought to be about seven per cent, so K-C halted supplies of the top-selling toilet tissue paper at the end of last month. Sainsbury’s has now […]

Roll out the tuareg carpet

Marketing Week

This week, movie-goers can watch the reincarnation of Barclaycard’s Richard Latham as Johnny English. Could the spoof spy character, who scores high in a Marketing Week popularity survey, along with the PG Tips chimps and Monkey, be the first

Director goes in reshuffle at Mothercare

Marketing Week

Mothercare’s marketing director Andy King has been made redundant following a review of the business by new chief executive Ben Gordon. King, a former marketing and business development director at WH Smith, joined the troubled retailer in September 2001, and was given responsibility for international and direct operations in addition to marketing (MW 19 July, […]