Above beyond what is needed

Joe Craggs (MW July 10) has a valid point, in that Orange is right to try to gain incremental revenue by encouraging more existing customers to use more of Orange’s services more of the time.

It is Orange’s selection of media that is more deserving of criticism.

Why use expensive above-the-line media when Orange already has existing users’ details?

Direct mail – O magazine or bill inserts – may prove to be more cost-effective and much less irksome.

Could I suggest that the underlying factor limiting the number of customers coming into Orange shops is that the UK high street is over-endowed with mobile phone outlets? Currently the market for mobile phones is near saturation and with slowing phone purchases and high retail rents, something extra is required. Craggs’ point about Orange trainers venturing out to meet the people is a great idea but this addresses the issue from the consumer’s perspective. Perhaps the real issue is an internal one, about persuading the public into Orange stores, keeping staff busy and selling extra services. The figures may well show the campaign working, but at a very high cost per sale.

Marketing is about more than just advertising alone. A 30-second ad has to work very well to convey a complex message. Orange should stick to brand advertising when it ventures above the line, because in 30 seconds it’s easier to annoy than to teach.

Stuart White


Optim Management

St Albans
