
Sport’s premiers

Marketing Week

Man united chief Paul Kenyon’s defection to Chelsea last week brought home the fact that the success of a sports property is less down to its players than those who shape its brand strategy. David Benady charts the rise of sports market

The Scottish Executive appoaches IPA

Marketing Week

The Scottish Executive has approached the Scottish IPA to canvas opinion on how advertising and media tenders can best be handled. Scottish IPA chairman Ian McAteer says this is the first time the Scottish Executive has asked for feedback in this way.

Parchment, quills and the cat’s whisker

Marketing Week

I remember sitting in my media studies class and bursting out laughing when we heard how radio measured its listenership. Surely our lecturer was having us on? Hand-written diaries that the research audience fill in personally? The hands shot up: “But what happens if you are driving in your car? What happens if you go […]