Month: September 2003

Classified revenues at Evening Standard fall by ten per cent

Marketing Week

DMGT has issued a trading statement that shows classified revenues at the Evening Standard have fallen by ten per cent for the 11 months to the end of August. Recruitment classified dropped 11 per cent over the period on top of a 38 per cent slide recorded last year. Across the DMGT group classified advertising […]

Repeat offenders

Marketing Week

The problem of bogus respondents in focus groups may not be huge, but it is a growing one. Without direct action on the issue of recruitment, such deception will prove to be highly destructive, says Alicia Clegg

Philip Kotler causes uproar at Marketing Forum with ‘TV ads a waste of money’ claim

Marketing Week

Most television advertising is a waste of money and marketing has become little more than promotion, according to Philip Kotler, one of the world’s foremost marketing academics. Kotler’s comments, which drew criticism from the audience, were made at the opening address of the Marketing Forum 2003. He told delegates: “I don’t think TV advertising works. […]

Mother beats McCann to core Coca-Cola task

Marketing Week

Coca-Cola Great Britain has appointed Mother to develop a campaign for its core brand for launch in the new year, putting more pressure on Coke’s former lead agency McCann-Erickson. Mother will take adapt the “real” strategy Coca-Cola Inc has launched in the US for the UK market. The project forms part of what was an […]

Never bank on competent service

Marketing Week

Citibank is doing wonderful things with the internet. I recently became a customer when I discovered it was offering incredible online service, notably with its foreign currency accounts. You can keep a pound sterling account and alongside it a euro and a dollar account. Money can be instantly converted from one currency to another, at […]

Toy maker Halsall promotes marketer to oversee expansion

Marketing Week

Toy and gift manufacturer and distributor Halsall International has appointed its first marketing director as part of its expansion strategy and new marketing focus. Andrew Coplestone has been promoted to marketing director from group marketing manager, a position he has held for the past 18 months. He joined the company eight years ago and was […]

Changing with the tide

Marketing Week

As social trends change, so do people’s tastes. When this happens, companies must address their customers’ needs and adapt if they are to survive. Flexibility and reinvention of a brand are essential as the British consumer becomes increasingl

TV campaign targeting marketing practices of tobacco companies

Marketing Week

Bartle Bogle Hegarty has created a TV campaign targeting the marketing practices of tobacco companies as part of a £15m Government project. The ‘Death Repackaged’ campaign highlights the branding practices that have led smokers to believe that ‘light’ and ‘mild’ cigarettes pose less of a health risk. The campaign is designed to coincide with the […]

Disability charity offers marketing advice service

Marketing Week

Disability charity Leonard Cheshire is launching a service to help companies include disability in their marketing strategies. The Visability Programme will also give companies guidance about meeting the requirements of the 1995 Disability Discrimination Act (DDA), which comes into full force in October 2004. The charity says that one in four people are either disabled […]