Sponsorship idea that’s had its chips

The sponsorship market obviously isn’t working quite as it should. There are now so few unsponsored properties that companies are having to go to ridiculous lengths to get some exposure. Take agency Isobel, for instance. It wanted to sponsor something at the Marketing Society’s Christmas mash, but what?

The napkins were already emblazoned with the logo of a toilet-roll brand. An indigestion-remedy company had engraved its name into the dessert spoons. And Hugh Burkitt’s spectacles were obscured by an enormous cardboard cut-out of a mobile telephone. Poor Isobel. It wouldn’t be going to the ball. Or would it? Well no, obviously, or why would the Diary be writing about it?

So if you’re looking for never-sponsored-before properties, you’ll have to cross “roast potatoes at Christmas dinners” off your list. You’ll have to sponsor the Christmas spudding instead…