Local papers poised for advertising boost

The Newspaper Society (NS), the body that promotes the regional press to advertisers, has developed a new strategy and strapline based on consumer shopping habits.

The new slogan, “Regional Press: Closer To Home”, replaces the “Creating New Perspectives” strapline used since 2000. The slogan will be seen in trade advertising by the end of this month and will appear in direct marketing materials targeting clients and media agencies.

The strategy has been developed by the NS and its agency, BDH/TBWA, on the back of research carried out by TNS Media.

The research shows that regional press is actively sought out by people “to inform purchasing decisions”, and that the bulk of shopping is done within seven miles of the home. For instance, the study says 59 per cent of brown goods shopping is done within five miles of the home and 41 per cent of DIY shopping is done within two miles of the home.

Regional newspapers’ share of overall UK advertising spend in the second quarter of 2004 was up 6.3 per cent year on year, to &£803m. National newspapers’ share rose by 8.1 per cent, to &£499m (Advertising Association).