Not such a Smartie move from Nestlé

What’s wrong with Nestlé Rowntree? It seems intent on destroying every major brand icon it has. First it ditches Kit Kat’s foil-wrap and then it decides to change its simple iconic strapline and introduces E-mail address for letters: mw.editor

What’s wrong with Nestlé Rowntree? It seems intent on destroying every major brand icon it has. First it ditches Kit Kat’s foil-wrap and then it decides to change its simple iconic strapline and introduces “indulgent” products into the range. Now, it is murdering the unique Smarties tube.

Apparently, “mums thought it was good but could be better” so it come up with a carton design (a format used by other confectionery brands).

I’m amazed it doesn’t see the damage it is doing to its brands by seeking what seem to be short-term gains through inappropriate line extension and making “noise” by killing one of its most powerful icons. Imagine Coke changing its bottle because focus groups said it was old-fashioned.

You don’t change a brand’s perception by throwing away its most powerful and recognisable visual asset. It may cause initial interest but, in the long run, I doubt the effect will be anything other than detrimental.

Don Williams

Chief executive

PI Global

London W11

E-mail address for letters: Please include your home or business address