Month: February 2005

Giving too much away?

Marketing Week

Sales promotions are taking a more central role in marketing campaigns, but brand owners should bear in mind the dangers of promising too much. A little creativity can have greater impact than a big budget, says Gary Eastwood

Boots looks at changes to agency arrangements

Marketing Week

Speculation has been mounting that Boots is unhappy with its agency roster and could change it by the end of the year if the current agencies do not come up to scratch. Boots’ integrated advertising account is worth &£90m. For months, media strategy agency Naked has been the subject of these rumours. But speculation has […]

Loewy expands business

Marketing Week

Loewy has acquired advertising agency Cortexx, retail catalogue and production specialist Parker Baines and sales promotion agency Spring. The agencies will adopt the Loewy name after a transition period.

EU to finalise anti-smoking images

Marketing Week

The EU says it is close to finalising a series of images that could be used on cigarette packets to deter smokers. Once the library is approved, there will be consultations with industry stakeholders in the UK about using the health warnings.

Media Company Publications launches travel guide

Marketing Week

The Media Company Publications launches a new consumer bi-monthly travel title called Trip this month, with a print run of 60,000. It is aimed at young professionals. The publisher is also launching a magazine for people looking to move overseas called Living Abroad.

Unilever marketers lose practical roles

Marketing Week

Unilever is expected to strip profit responsibilities from its most senior marketers, Simon Clift and Anthonie Stal, in a wide-ranging shake-up of the organisation as part of its “simplification” strategy. The new-look structure, announced last week by incoming chief executive Patrick Cescau, scraps Unilever’s two separate divisions, health and personal care (HPC) and food. These […]