Month: June 2005

Broadband providers struggle to stand out

Marketing Week

With the number of broadband connections poised imminently to overtake dial-up, internet service providers (ISPs) are looking at ways to distinguish their service from rivals by means other than price and speed. Nevertheless, it is these factors that have driven the market, and for many first-time broadband users will be the key consideration when choosing […]

We’re sir crazy when it comes to Bob Geldof

Marketing Week

With regards to an article in your latest issue: “BBC, AOL and O2 to back Live 8 event” (MW last week), there is no such person as “Sir Bob Geldof”. Having been born outside the Commonwealth, in Eire, he cannot claim the title of “sir”, despite holding a KBE. This is a common mistake made […]

‘I had that Andrex brand icon on the side of my cab once…’

Marketing Week

The Diary had the strangest of experiences last week. After hailing a cab in central London, it realised something was amiss when the taxi driver’s banter wandered to the left of Enoch Powell. The driver then proceeded to take the most direct route between destinations. Things got really eerie at the end of the journey […]

Hasbro plans Furby comeback DVD

Marketing Week

Hasbro plans to distribute 1 million copies of a 45-minute animated DVD outlining the fictitious origins of Furby, the interactive talking pet, as part of a relaunch of the toy. The giveaway, which will take place in July, is part of a &£1m UK marketing push over six months. Henry Foulds, senior brand manager for […]

Unsound strategy that will crash on Jamster

Marketing Week

With over 1,200 complaints lodged (when last counted) at the Advertising Standards Authority, Jamster’s Crazy Frog is fast heading for the unenviable accolade of most unpopular advertising campaign. The complaints are no doubt heartfelt, but misguided all the same. It is no part of the ASA’s remit to adjudicate on the excessive frequency with which […]

Media Contacts gets lucky with Camelot account

Marketing Week

Media Contacts has won the £3m online media buying business for lottery operator Camelot. The appointment follows a six-way pitch, which is thought to include Agency Republic, Unique Digital and OMD Digital and the incumbent Tribal DDB The move has consolidated the digital media business into Media Contacts, which previously handled the online planning contract, […]

Grapefruit of wrath causes terror alert at MW offices

Marketing Week

The Diary has received all sorts of unmarked and unsigned mail over the years. The razor-blades always come in handy, and the poison-pen letters can be redrafted and sent on to sponging relatives. Even the ticking box that arrived this morning will no doubt prove indispensable as a metronome, or deathwatch beetle bait (the Diary’s […]

Boots chief commercial director quits

Marketing Week

Boots chief commercial director David Kneale, who had responsibility for marketing, is to leave in July. His duties will be split between retail director Alex Gourlay and commercial director Ian Filby. Gourlay moves to the role of beauty and lifestyle director and Filby takes the position of healthcare and store development director, with responsibility for […]

Abbott Mead Vickers.BBDO wins £11m RAC account without pitch

Marketing Week

Motoring organisation the RAC has moved its £11m creative account into Abbott Mead Vickers.BBDO without a pitch. It follows the £1.1bn takeover of the RAC by insurance group Aviva in March. Aviva, the UK’s largest insurance provider, already uses AMV for its Norwich Union account. It is not clear which agencies have been responsible for […]

Britannia poaches Fowler to rebrand Bristol & West

Marketing Week

Britannia, the UK’s second-largest building society, has appointed Barclays marketer Louise Fowler as head of marketing. She replaces Alan Long, who left Britannia in February following a restructure of the marketing department (MW February 3). Fowler, who takes over the role in September, will be responsible for developing the branding and advertising for the group. […]

Chime Communications poised to swoop on VCCP

Marketing Week

Chime Communications, the marketing services holding company run by Lord Bell, is planning to buy ad agency Vallance Carruthers Coleman Partners as it seeks to boost its presence in above-the-line advertising, according to a source close to negotiations. It is understood that a deal will be unveiled shortly, though neither Chime chairman Lord Bell nor […]

Axe looms over marketers after Diageo restructure

Marketing Week

The futures of three senior marketers in Diageo’s whisky division are in doubt, as part of the global drinks giant’s restructuring programme. Jonathan Driver, who was global brand director for single malts; Richard Watling, who was Scotch whisky director; and Iain Kennedy, who was global brand director for J&B, have all seen their jobs made […]

Smoking ban sparks rethink for pub companies over food

Marketing Week

Pub companies may ditch their food operations in a bid to avoid the Government’s proposed ban on smoking in public places in England, plans for which were announced in last month’s Queen’s Speech. Under the new legislation, pubs that do not serve food will be able to allow smoking; pubs that currently serve food will […]