The Beano Annual was never this interesting

The Diary was over the moon when the OMD yearbook landed on its desk.

The Diary was over the moon when the OMD yearbook landed on its desk.

Firstly Shan Henderson, head of digital at OMD UK, brilliantly announces that: “Clients are going gangbusters for digital”.

Then Jonathan Allan, deputy managing director of OMD UK, tells us that the agency’s “average score in client appraisals is abso- lutely wicked”.

As if that wonderfully flamboyant turn of phrase isn’t enough, there’s a whole page of lookalikes. Sadly that’s just too many for the Diary to cope with in one go.

Suffice to say some are more convincing than others – and John Candy makes two appearances. While the Diary was impressed by the Nick Manning/Capt Mainwaring connection it wonders who came up with some of the others⦠David Beckham? Betty Boo? Now, really!