Month: June 2006

HoF launches World Cup Web push

Marketing Week

House of Fraser (HoF) is this week launching an online campaign to increase visitor numbers to its website and department stores during the World Cup. The “Love it/Hate it” campaign is being split into two streams, with separate communications aimed at those who love and loathe football. It has been created by digital agency Twentysix […]

Tiger Beer rolls out new website for the UK

Marketing Week

Tiger Beer has rolled out a new website for the UK, designed by London-based Marotori Technical Services. It is one of ten new sites for markets around Europe. uses a content management system that allows the brand manager to alter the theme or look of the entire site for themselves.

Sportech sells its internet bookmaker

Marketing Week

Sportech, the company behind the Littlewoods Football Pools, has sold its internet bookmaker Bet Direct to online casino firm 32Red for &£12.5m. Bet Direct, which pulled out of an interactive TV betting service with ITV in January, made a loss of &£4.8m last year.

BBC launches desktop news alert system

Marketing Week

The BBC has launched a desktop news alert system,BBC Alerts, with digital technology firm Skinkers. Users can choose what news and sport headlines they want and receive them through a ticker or as an hourly alert. Subscribers can also download events, such as World Cup games, direct to their calendars. A new version of Mini-Motty […]

Soho gets in party mood

Marketing Week

The Diary can’t help wondering if next Thursday the whole of Soho will be dolled up like Carmen Miranda handing out Dole yoghurts outside a Port of Spain supermarket during Mardi Gras.

Word of mouth is the ultimate sales tool

Marketing Week

Your article “The Customer is always right” (MW May 25) hit the nail firmly on the head. If companies are failing to deliver good customer service, they’re giving their brand a bad name. And if these companies provide customers with a bad experience, it can impact not only on that customer, but also on all […]

Identify a need, then fill it… simple, really

Marketing Week

What do corporate social responsibility, “the retail fight-back” and “love” have in common (apart from being topics in last week’s Marketing Week)? All three articles tried to suggest something revolutionary – give people what they want and they’ll repay the compliment. It appears McDonald’s, Marks & Spencer and Saatchi & Saatchi have just discovered that […]

Long-term approach to World Cup a must

Marketing Week

Your news story announcing that “World Cup sponsorship deals fail to register with UK consumers” is not surprising (MW May 25). The World Cup highlights a classic marketing error whereby every brand under the sun jumps on a major event and markets the hell out of it with little thought and consideration as to whether […]

Oldies won’t always check the small print

Marketing Week

Too many companies targeting the grey market seem to be alienating those consumers by making simple mistakes in their direct response ads. Is this because they are being designed by young people who do not understand their market? Do you have

Scoring goals with sponsorship

Marketing Week

A series of recent surveys show that the majority of FIFA World Cup sponsors have failed to gain consumer recognition in the build up to kick-off, despite reports that the event is set to make record profits of about £750m boosted by media rig