Well-tailored mail suits time-poor lives

Times are changing, and large-scale mailouts are no longer the most effective means of direct marketing. It is also true that the direct marketing industry is witnessing an increase in internet-based marketing.

Times are changing, and large-scale mailouts are no longer the most effective means of direct marketing. It is also true that the direct marketing industry is witnessing an increase in internet-based marketing.

But there is a danger that marketers could be enticed towards an obsession with real-time communications. People often buy online because it is quick and convenient in their pressured, time-poor lives. As a result, marketing communications directed at the consumer while online is often seen as highly intrusive and annoying.

However, a well-tailored piece of targeted direct mail is often welcomed by the consumer. With direct marketing budgets now favouring existing customers to prospecting activity, direct mail triggered by online activity remains an important method of communicating.

Direct marketing service providers that wish to grow sustainably over the next decade must develop solid methodologies that help marketers strike the right balance between the different communication media, in order to best target their audience and maintain good response levels.

Vikki Lomas

Head of communications

Pitney Bowes EAME


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