LondonLite slams rivals’ recycling policy

Vendors of freesheet LondonLite believe rival papers do not take recycling seriously, according to campaign group Project Freesheet. The claim was made at a meeting between the group and 40 LondonLite distribution team leaders.

Project Freesheet says that the vendors of the Associated Newpapers-owned LondonLite claim that they collect around 350 bags of free newspapers, including rivals such as thelondonpaper, for recycling every day.

News International, which owns thelondonpaper, and morning business free newspaper City AM are understood to have declined to attend similar meetings organised by Project Freesheet, the campaigning group which is now demanding a ban on free newspapers.

Both LondonLite and thelondonpaper earlier this year reached agreement with Westminster council over clearing up the piles of newspaper waste each evening.

NI declined to comment.