Cheapflights price comparison site to relaunch

Cheapflights, the travel and airline price comparison site, will relaunch in the UK next month. It also plans to launch a European site before the end of the year.

The new look UK website will be based on the technology platform used for the US version of the site, which went live in February. The company says it has more sophisticated search filters for users and this helps to deliver greater ROI for advertisers.

Cheapflights completed a strategic review of its operations this week. It considered the possibility of forming strategic partnerships, a public share offering or attracting private equity investment, but because of the credit crunch it decided against a “liquidity event” until market conditions improved.

The company says the decision will not affect its marketing operations and Cheapflights’ expansion plans will carry on as planned.

Chris Cuddy, Cheapflights chief executive, adds: “Our plans are to continue with our substantial investment in technology as well as to roll out internationally.”