A YouTube-style service for marketers

A YouTube-style service is being launched for marketers to enable them to access videos made by young people.

Jo Roberts
Jo Roberts

Brands will be able to access video clips from 16 – 29-year-olds from Canada, USA and the UK. Videos from experts will also be uploaded onto the website as well as vox pops. Young people from a spread of different backgrounds will be given flip video cameras to make mini-documentaries on a variety of different issues.

Ian Pierpoint, founder and president of The Sound Research, says the aim of the service is enabling brands “to be constantly connected to your consumers via your laptop”. He argues that this approach will give an “unfiltered understanding of the consumer.”

The aim of the service is to become a directory for marketers who want to look up opinions and trends on certain issues. Brands wanting to find out about teens and their dating habits will be able to search for clips on that subject area, for example.

Different topics will be given to ’millennials’ each month and each film will be rated so that subscribers can watch the most popular entries.

There are also plans to produce professional documentaries on the website. It will be interesting to see which brands find this service useful, and what kind of documentaries will be created on this website.



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