GSK launches anti-acid mouthwash

GlaxoSmithKline is to launch a daily mouthwash under the Sensodyne brand as part of a £8.7m cash injection to boost brand’s range and market share.

Sensodyne mouthwash

Sensodyne Pronamel mouthwash will be launched via a national TV campaign in September as part of the healthcare multinational’s umbrella “experts” campaign. The advertising push is being handled by Grey.

The mouthwash is aimed at people wanting to prevent oral acid erosion. The move follows GSK’s recent national campaign to boost the daily version of its Corsodyl brand aimed at keeping gums healthy.

The company says acid erosion is expected to become an increasing problem.
The global healthcare company recently shook up its advertising roster and hired TBWA to look after weight loss brand Alli and nicotine replacement products Nicorette, NicoDerm, CQ and Commit

The accounts were previously held by Arnold and WCRS. The changes follow last year’s management restructure which saw former UK consumer healthcare president Roger Scarlett-Smith move to the same role in North America.