Research delivers

Your article on marketers looking to shave 9.5% from market research spend (MW 13 August) would suggest that clients are prioritising survey and sales data over qualitative approaches, specifically focus groups. If this is the case, then it is not surprising that fewer clients consider research companies as true partners that can deliver excellent results for their business.

Market research: An investment

The market research industry is changing as more and more we are seeing clients seeking out consultants for their sector experience to advise on business solutions, rather than simply sending out a fixed research brief.

That clients are reducing investment in qualitative research is worrying. Only by combining qualitative and quantitative methods can we deliver insight and help drive business development. Without this investment the MR industry cannot achieve genuine partner status.

We are finding that clients are demanding more flexibility from their suppliers in order to maximise true value (for example, commissioning major players to provide excellence in global data collection, while using other agencies for the consultancy support).

The dynamics are changing but it is even more important to prove that research is an investment and not simply a cost. Research agencies need to adopt advanced analytical approaches, combined with qualitative and quantitative customer engagement techniques, if they are to remain as trusted advisors to marketers.

Sarah Houghton
Managing director
Nunwood London


Attitudinal data analysis builds strong relationships

Stuart Turner

Your article “Classification maps draw on group culture” (MW 13 August) reported on the importance of personality when analysing consumer purchasing data. Although this study concentrated on business-toconsumer research, it can also be applied in a business-to-business context.