Month: October 2009

IBM Launches Cognos Express to Mid-Market

Marketing Week

Following recent research showing many small to medium-sized enterprises are relying on gut feel, rather than hard data to make decisions (August 2009), IBM has introduced a new all-in-one version of its business intelligence tool. Called Cognos Express, it is specifically designed for use by SMEs, with rapid deployment, analysis and reporting. “It needed to […]

SAS targets mobile spend optimisation

Marketing Week

Business analytics software vendor SAS is introducing sector-specific applications for the UK mobile telephone sector. The intention is to support customer acquisition, churn reduction and revenue generation through segmentation and profiling. “This will help mobile service providers gain insight into their customer base, which will enable them to analyse customer responses and route queries through […]

Zurich Connect builds single customer view

Marketing Week

Web-based home and motor insurance provider Zurich Connect UK has signed a deal to use Experian Elements, the marketing software, data and analytics package. As part of the service, Experian will provide a single customer and prospect view, populated by in-house data and enhanced by Experian’s own files. The service will be used to drive […]

Agiliance introduces new data governance solution

Marketing Week

US-based governance, risk and compliance software vendor Agiliance has launched its new data governance solution, Privacy Manager. It follows increased enforcement of privacy regulations, such as the American healthcare information protection act (HIPAA), which recently saw a $2 million fine imposed on a healthcare provider for a breach. With the Obama administration introducing further legislation, […]

Kalido launches collaborative governance tool

Marketing Week

Kalido Information Engine has been introduced to provide a collaborative platform for business and IT users to support data governance. With intuitive seach and browse capabilities, it provides direct access to master data, enabling users to identify issues and request changes, and leave feedback. Bill Hewitt, president and CEO of Kalido, says/ “For many organisations, […]

Deceased data sources switch as market speeds up

Marketing Week

Mortascreen has gained exclusive rights to deceased data captured by Lifecycle Marketing, ending an eight-year supply relationship the latter had with The REaD Group’s Bereavement Register. At the same time, The Bereavement Register has reached agreement with ITC Legal Services to offer opt-in to TBR when they close bank accounts. Lifecycle Marketing collects deceased records […]

Connecting data for better citizen service

Marketing Week

Brent Council’s head of IT Tony Ellis has been the driving force behind its citizen data index, which is leading to improved service levels. But as David Reed finds out, he wants others to benefit from best practice.

Iain Lovatt: Look to data for a safe economic recovery

Marketing Week

If we are to believe the latest reports, Britain could finally be climbing out of recession. Figures issued by the National Institute of Economic and Social Research show that growth rose last quarter by 0.2 per cent. This is the first increase in output since May 2008. Furthermore, for the first time in 17 months […]

Keeping data to a better standard

Marketing Week

Your cover story (“Keepers of the truth”, September 2009) is right to focus on the critical governance role undertaken by data stewards. As former Information Commissioner Richard Thomas warned, “accountability is needed for all aspects of data handling – not just ensuring appropriate security… data quality and data cleansing are likely to assume ever greater […]

Data processors under licence

Marketing Week

Philip James is right (“Licensed to Process?”, September 2009) that if a data breach occurs at a client’s Data Processor, it is the client as the Data Controller who may be directly fined or face criminal sanction. Making Data Processors more responsible for their actions is certainly a good idea “. The idea of moving […]

Online chat needs customer analytics

Marketing Week

Web analytics should be more than a reporting tool that is looked at historically and analysed after the event. What matters is how many people actually buy something or engage with a company. We believe that the solution is to allow businesses to reach out to their customers through the web and add the personal […]

Bespoke is better than mass-produced

Marketing Week

“Right buyer, right now” (Data Strategy, August) raised some interesting points about the lead generation market, but the most noteworthy line is that you “can have quality, recency or price, but not all three”. Indeed, you can sum up the current market with the old adage, “you get what you pay for”. Quality comes at […]

Jonathan Hulford-Funnell: No winding down for the data quality profession

Marketing Week

After a slow start to the year, merger and acquisition activity is starting to pick up again and deal values are finally increasing. According to Experian’s Late Payment Index, August also saw the biggest month-to-month improvement since December 2007 in the time it takes companies in the UK to settle bills. For the data quality […]


Setting the flight path for data migration

Marketing Week

Bringing multiple data sources together into a unified new database is often thought of as an IT project. Yet unless the business gets involved, the outcome may be a lot of money spent for little purpose. David Reed finds out how to get data users to fly together