Konnie Huq stars in British Red Cross viral campaign

The British Red Cross has launched a viral campaign starring TV presenter Konnie Huq in a bid to challenge misconceptions young people hold about HIV.

Konnie Huq
Konnie Huq

The campaign, created by Red Bee Media, targets 15-25 year-olds and aims to make them reconsider their prejudice through “entertaining yet thought provoking treatment”.

It is part of a wider campaign in the run up to World Aids Day on 1 December.

The internet video has been styled to look like a campaign video for a fashion or drinks brand and acts as a call to action to encourage young people to become British Red Cross peer educators to tech people their own age about a range of social issues.

The campaign has been developed around research from the British Red Cross which revealed that although 85% of young people know that HIV cannot be transferred by kissing, 68% would still not kiss a person with the disease.

Charles Williams, editorial manager at British Red Cross, says the video “graphically illustrates the gap between what people know and how they act”.